
Thursday May 05, 2016
Thursday May 05, 2016
Thursday May 05, 2016
In this episode, Emma is again in Brighton, talking with performance maker Rosana Cade about identity and difference. About holding hands in public space; performances in public space; fear in public space and the Brighton Safety Map Project.
Also about weird hugs and kissing your cousins.
We were invited to record this episode by Pink Fringe in conjunction with The Safety Map, a project they were facilitating across the recent bank holiday weekend at the Marlborough Theatre. It was an invitation for people to share experiences of anti-social behaviour in Brighton as well as spaces where they feel welcomed and celebrated.
Rosana says ”I am a performance maker based in Glasgow. Whilst the form of my performance work varies, and emerges in relation to the specific process or context I am engaging with, it is firmly rooted in a queer discourse and straddles live art and activism. My performances happen in various contexts including theatres, public spaces, as well as club and cabaret settings.
I was part of the Spill National Showcase in 2013, a National Theatre of Scotland ‘Auteur’ in 2014 and I am an Artsadmin artist bursary recipient 2014/15. My work has been shown extensively across the UK with over twenty organisations including the National Theatre in London, at Summerhall as part of the Made in Scotland Showcase at the Edinburgh Fringe 2014, Contact Theatre – Manchester, the Arches in Glasgow, Forest Fringe, Battersea Arts Centre, and at international venues including Teatro Maria Matos in Lisbon, Frascati in Amsterdam and Kwai Fong Theatre in Hong Kong.
I also collaborate regularly with my partner Eilidh MacAskill in our live art riot girl boi band, Double Pussy Clit Fu*k to create club and cabaret performances. And I am co-founder of //BUZZCUT// festival.”
You can find links below or follow the Safety Map Project online at #safetymap and you can follow Rosana at @RosanaCade
And you can keep up to date with Emma's movements through the None of Us is Yet a Robot project at www.notyetarobot.co.uk or @elbfrankland on twitter.
Opening music was by Kraftwerk and Closing music by Señor Coconut y Su Conjuto
Some things we mentioned in the conversation were:
The Safety Map - https://www.facebook.com/events/1780845748818488/
The Marlborough, Brighton - http://www.marlboroughtheatre.org.uk
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs - http://www.simplypsychology.org/maslow.html
Walking / Holding - https://rosanacadedotcom.wordpress.com
Judith Butler - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judith_Butler
Casey Plett - http://topsidepress.com/titles/a-safe-girl-to-love/
Rituals for Change at the Yard Theatre (10 - 14 May) - http://notyetarobot.co.uk/portfolio-item/rituals-for-change/
Advice about reporting hate crime - https://www.gov.uk/report-hate-crime
LGBT Support
Gendered Intelligence: http://genderedintelligence.co.uk
Stonewall: http://www.stonewall.org.uk
Brighton & Hove LGBT Switchboard - http://switchboard.org.uk
See you next time.

Saturday Apr 30, 2016
Saturday Apr 30, 2016
Saturday Apr 30, 2016
In this episode, Emma is back in Brighton, talking with Rory Finn Smith, LGBT Liaison for Brighton & Hove Police. The conversation is about about anti-social behaviour and violence against gender transgression. About about fitness and trans sport and self-defence. About endings and about things that do not end..
Rory is the LGBT Liaison for Brighton & Hove Police and has been in post since 2012. Prior to working with the Police, Rory worked for the national trans charity, Gender Trust, and volunteered for local LGBT organisations Mindout and FTM Brighton. Rory currently runs Trans Can Sport and is the chair of the Trans Alliance Brighton. In his downtime, Rory likes to keep fit, play xbox and drink tea.
We were invited to record this episode by Pink Fringe in conjunction with The Safety Map, a project they are facilitating across the bank holiday weekend at the Marlborough Theatre. It’s an invitation to come and share experiences of anti-social behaviour in Brighton as well as spaces where we feel welcomed and celebrated. it’s the start of a larger conversation. This is FREE event. Please come and share your stories.
You can find the link below or follow it on twitter at #safetymap
And you can keep up to date with Emma's movements through the None of Us is Yet a Robot project at www.notyetarobot.co.uk or @elbfrankland on twitter.
Opening music was by Kraftwerk and Closing music by Señor Coconut y Su Conjuto
Some things we mentioned in the conversation were:
The Safety Map - https://www.facebook.com/events/1780845748818488/
Trans Can Sport - https://www.facebook.com/transcansport/
Pink Fringe - http://www.marlboroughtheatre.org.uk/event-type/pink-fringe/
Trans Pride - http://transpridebrighton.tumblr.com
Shuyler Baylar (trans swimmer on Harvard Team) -https://www.instagram.com/pinkmantaray/
Fallon Fox (MMA fighter) - http://www.fallonfox.com
The Sissy’s Progress - http://www.marlboroughtheatre.org.uk/event/the-sissys-progress/
Advice about reporting hate crime - https://www.gov.uk/report-hate-crime
LGBT Support
Gendered Intelligence: http://genderedintelligence.co.uk
Stonewall: http://www.stonewall.org.uk
Brighton & Hove LGBT Switchboard - http://switchboard.org.uk
See you next time.

Thursday Apr 21, 2016
Thursday Apr 21, 2016
Thursday Apr 21, 2016
Recorded in a stairwell at the Buzzcut Festival after party - in this episode, Emma talks about performance art, the 2016 Buzzcut line up and non-binary identities with double guests Ray Filar and Krishna Istha.
Ray is a performance artist, musician and writer, whose work often explores drag, genderfuck and kink. Their most recent show was FUCK SOUP at Buzzcut Festival, but they have performed widely, including Latitude Festival, at Pride London, with David Hoyle at the Chelsea Theatre, Trans Pride in Brighton, LaDIYFest Berlin, and as part of the Duckie Homosexualist Summer School for emerging queer artists. They are a contributing editor at openDemocracy magazine.
Krishna is a performance maker and actor. Their work takes the form of comedic political acts and alter egos that focus on themes of queer culture, gender politics and feminism. Their work more often than not turns into a physical and vocal endurance test.
You can find them online at @MXGenderslayer and @RayFilar
And you can keep up to date with Emma's movements through the None of Us is Yet a Robot project at www.notyetarobot.co.uk or @elbfrankland on twitter.
Opening music was by Kraftwerk and Closing music by Señor Coconut y Su Conjuto
The predominant thing mentioned in the conversation was:
Buzzcut Festival - https://glasgowbuzzcut.wordpress.com

Monday Apr 11, 2016
Monday Apr 11, 2016
Monday Apr 11, 2016
In this episode, Emma talks with Kate Adair - a filmmaker and vlogger from Glasgow - about transgender political candidates, coming out at work and “people being dicks” The conversation was recorded in the heart of the incredible Buzzcut Festival - a live art and theatre festival that takes place in Govan.
Kate has previously done work with MyGenderation and BBC's The Social. She also does a lot of community work with SQIFF (Scottish Queer International Film Festival) and Lock Up Your Daughters filmmaking. She has been part of filmmaking workshops teaching skills to young trans people allowing them to tell their own stories - something which she is passionate about. She also is a co-founder of Glasgow's only Transgender Swimming group (Seahorses).
You can find her on twitter @uhh_kate
And you can keep up to date with Emma's movements through the None of Us is Yet a Robot project at www.notyetarobot.co.uk or @elbfrankland on twitter.
Opening music was by Kraftwerk and Closing music by Señor Coconut y Su Conjuto
Some people and things that we mentioned in the conversation were:
Buzzcut Festival - https://glasgowbuzzcut.wordpress.com
Ellen Murray - http://www.pinknews.co.uk/2016/01/14/first-out-trans-candidate-stands-for-election-in-all-ireland/
SQIFF - http://www.sqiff.org
South Carolina “Bathroom Law” - http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/apr/01/north-carolina-transgender-bathroom-law
Munroe Bergdorf - http://www.backstyle.net/magazine/munroe-bergdorf-transgender-model-lets-empower-each-other
and, er.. my show! Kate refers to Rituals for Change which I had performed a couple of days before. It’ll be touring over the next 12 months but if you are in London in a few weeks it’ll be on at the Yard Theatre, Hackney Wick from the 10th - 14th May - there’s a trailer here: http://notyetarobot.co.uk/portfolio-item/rituals-for-change/
See you next time!
love and respect.

Thursday Mar 24, 2016
Thursday Mar 24, 2016
Thursday Mar 24, 2016
In this episode, Emma talks about 'the binary', fluidity and dancing on building sites with Rhyannon Styles, a trans performer, musician and writer.
Rhyannon is an international performer working in Australia, America and many cities in Europe since 2005. Career highlights include being invited to perform at the Guggenheim Museum NYC for Armani, Lip-syncing to Alice Cooper whilst flying through the air at Glastonbury Festival as a vampire and staging her first solo show ‘Angel Cake’ at Camden Peoples Theatre in London.
Rhyannon is currently creating and writing music under the moniker ‘Her Sperm’ and in addition to her performance work she is also a columnist at Elle magazine.
And she has danced with Kylie…
You can see more at www.rhyannonstyles.com or read her column for Elle magazine here:http://www.elleuk.com/now-trending/coming-out-and-being-outed-rhyannon-styles You can follow her on twitter @rhyannonstyles
And you can keep up to date with Emma's movements through the None of Us is Yet a Robot project at www.notyetarobot.co.uk or @elbfrankland on twitter.
and our surprise guests were:
Ryan Brown - rycbrown.org
Stuart McKenzie - wilddaughter.co.uk
Opening music was by Kraftwerk and Closing music by Señor Coconut y Su Conjuto
Some people and things that we mentioned in the conversation were:
Ava Vidal: http://www.avavidal.co.uk
L’ecole Phillipe Gaulier: http://www.ecolephilippegaulier.com
H&M Customer Service: https://www2.hm.com/en_gb/customer-service.html
And the event I mentioned was:
High Tidings: www.bac.org.uk @battersea_arts #BACBedrooms #pastysprogress
See you next time!

Sunday Mar 06, 2016
Sunday Mar 06, 2016
Sunday Mar 06, 2016
In this episode, Emma talks about gender, Christianity and the fading patriarchy with Jo Clifford, a trans writer, performer, poet and teacher.
Jo is the author of about 80 plays, many of which have been translated into various languages and performed all over the world. You can read her blog at http://www.teatrodomundo.com and follow her on twitter @jocliffordplays
And you can keep up to date with Emma's movements through the None of Us is Yet a Robot project at www.notyetarobot.co.uk or @elbfrankland on twitter.
Music was by Kraftwerk and Señor Coconut y Su Conjuto
Some things that we mentioned in the conversation were:
A photograph of Jo looking demonic: http://www.theguardian.com/stage/2016/mar/02/jo-clifford-transgender-christ-overcoming-fear-every-one-bac-london
A blog by Sarah Savage about BBC3 ‘Miss Transgender - Britains New Beauty Queens’: http://sarah-savage.com/drunk-miss-transgender-uk-bbc-review/
Fucking Trans Women: http://fuckingtranswomen.tumblr.com
And the events mentioned were:
Every One: https://www.bac.org.uk/content/40499/whats_on/whats_on/shows/every_one
Traumfrau: http://www.traumfrau.co.uk
Women of the World Panel: http://wow.southbankcentre.co.uk/whats-on/trans-identities-1979
Hear ME Roar Feminist Festival: https://www.facebook.com/hearmeroarlancaster/?fref=ts
See you next time!

Thursday Feb 25, 2016
Thursday Feb 25, 2016
Thursday Feb 25, 2016
Episode 1: Robots
In this episode, Emma talks to Brighton based musician, writer and activist Maeve Devine about transgender life, cyborg sex attachments and awesome brothers.
You can listen to Maeve’s music at https://daskinsey4life.bandcamp.com and follow her on twitter @devinemaeve
And you can keep up to date with Emma's movements through the None of Us is Yet a Robot project at www.notyetarobot.co.uk or @elbfrankland on twitter.
Music was by Kraftwerk and Señor Coconut y Su Conjuto
Some things we mentioned in the conversation were:
Topside Press: http://topsidepress.com
S Bear Bergman - The Nearest Exit May Be Behind You : http://sbearbergman.com
Dude with robot implants: http://motherboard.vice.com/read/the-cyborg-kevin-warwick-is-the-worlds-first-human-robot-hybrid